Jun 15Liked by Jennifer Silva Redmond

All of it! What an exciting journey this is. I love that you share all of it with all of us.

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You are such a wonderful reader and I adore your comments!

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and I adore you!

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Jun 15Liked by Jennifer Silva Redmond

YAAAYYYY! Pop all the corks, slice all the cake, and CELEBRATE being an award-winning memoirist! This is a huge win, though we at Womancake are not surprised, because we already knew how great the book is, and what a fantastic writer you are! So glad that our readers will get to learn that, too :)

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Happy dance!

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And yes we went out for drinks at a cool brewery that has amazing ciders and then out for bun/pho. Yummy.

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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with “What a week it’s been.” I love the immediacy with which you write.

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Congratulations on multiple counts, Jennifer! Going to dive into your first column now for Womancake!

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