Jun 24Liked by Jennifer Silva Redmond

I have a reputation as somewhat of a comma whore. I do use them, a lot. The copy editor who reviewed my memoir manuscript was ruthless in her deletions. And, on an editorial review I received as part of a contest I entered, the reviewer mentioned when and where a comma would have made a sentence more clear.

Thanks for the tips--especially about reading out loud and noticing the pauses.

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I, too, love commas!

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Jun 23Liked by Jennifer Silva Redmond

Oh love this, love this! Now I can go over my work and see how badly (or not) I fudged it. It's great to have a template, Jennifer. Thank you!

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Happy to help out, in a small way.

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Jun 22Liked by Jennifer Silva Redmond

LORDY I needed this! It made me realize that I've always thought of myself as someone who uses commas judiciously but in fact it's TOTALLY RANDOM and I've never known how to use them properly at all. Adjectives are my obsession but I can't claim to have any great command of them, either. SO glad you're on the Womancake staff, Jennifer, so I can consult with an expert when I'm in a jam!

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Funny that an editor friend saw this post and pointed out a missing comma!

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HA classic! I can imagine what it must be like to read everything with the Editor's Eye, and have to endure it with gritted teeth while others take no notice. BTW I love your suggestion to read something aloud and determine if it needs a comma, I'll do that going forward!

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